New Zealand Traveller Declaration: Completing your declaration (short version)
New Zealand Traveller Declaration: Completing your declaration (short version)
Here are the things you need to complete your New Zealand Traveller Declaration.
This will take you around 10 minutes.
- passport
- flight details
- contact information
- recent travel history
- immigration status including your visa or NZeTA, if you need one
- information about what you are bringing into the country, including what’s in your checked-in luggage and carry-on bags.
Some foods, used outdoor equipment, animal or plant products, can’t be brought into New Zealand. They can carry harmful pests and diseases.
You may need to declare any medicines, tobacco, alcohol, and 10,000 New Zealand dollars cash and over, or equivalent.
If you’re unsure about what you can and can’t bring into New Zealand, check out the online tool.
It’s okay to get someone to help you complete your digital declaration. Or you can fill in a paper declaration form on arrival.
You do not need to fill in a paper form if you have done a digital declaration.
Once you start your digital declaration, you will get an email with a reference number. You can use this to make any changes up until you reach passport control in New Zealand.
You will need to resubmit your declaration if you make any changes to it.
You do not need to print anything out.
Go to for more information or to start filling in your declaration.